I couldn’t walk for a year and 8 months! I did a course to learn about plant-based whole food. Within 4 days, on a diet of raw fruit and vegetables and some colonics, I had cured my plantar fasciitis and went for a 4-hour walk on the beach.

I couldn’t walk for a year and 8 months! I was facing a future of pills, steroid injections and operations… I was depressed and my weight was out of control…And then Boom!

I did a course in Puerto Rico to learn about plant-based whole food. Within 4 days, on a diet of raw fruit and vegetables (and sprouts) and some colonics, I had cured my plantar fasciitis and went for a 4-hour walk on the beach. I was blown away! This was my first experience of healing myself.

Being Italian, food has always been at the forefront. My father was a foodie and our lives revolved around the dining table. We traveled extensively, and eating out was always on the menu. From an early age, I was introduced to international cuisine, from foie gras to oysters, Michelin stars to street food and I loved it all! It’s a drug, and I’ve been addicted my entire life! An acceptable one too, without the same stigma as drinking, smoking, and taking drugs. But it’s just as dangerous, if not more.

It took many years and a lot of time in psychotherapy to realise that I had an eating disorder which started in childhood. By my teenage years, I was obsessed with weight and was not feeling good about myself. This led to bulimia, yo-yo dieting of every kind, diet pills, compulsive eating, binge eating – you name it!

We think we eat because we’re hungry, and sometimes this is true, but it could be because food is soothing, it’s comfort, it evokes childhood memories, maybe in response to our emotions, our loneliness, our pain. Sometimes it’s simply the bad boys in our gut throwing a temper tantrum and demanding the chemical cocktail which processed food uses to draw us in and keep us consuming.

After all processed foods are drugs! Check out the list of ingredients and you will find chemicals that disrupt hormones, the nervous system, the gut microbiome, etc. Big companies spend billions to reach the bliss point and arrive at whatever chemical balance gets you addicted. This is why we repeatedly return again to certain brands.

When I finally cured my plantar fasciitis in Puerto Rico, I realised my cravings had vanished and my depression had lifted, my anxiety and allergies were all history. But before too long, I found myself slipping back into old food habits and coping mechanisms, and when something rocked me, spiralling back into depression. This time I developed carpal tunnel and lost the use of my hands – I had trigger finger, which amusingly was my middle finger! I couldn’t drive, cook, or clean – another wake-up call from my gut, and this time I listened. I started a juice and smoothie cleanse, three days became 10, and finally 60! After three weeks, my hands were healed and I haven’t had a problem since. Again I was amazed, sold – I knew I had to get out there and share this with others and help them heal too.

We need to understand why we’re eating what we eat and if we need to, break this cycle. That’s where I come in. I want to educate people that there is another way, guide, and handhold to help people transition to a healthier lifestyle. Through my own experiences and all the studying I’ve done and continue to do, I’m ready and passionate about doing this!

I want to teach you that HEALTHY FOOD DOESN’T HAVE TO BE BORING! And I’ve created Rainbow Reboot, my 5-day detox programme, not only to help people to re-boot their eating habits and embrace a new template but also to show just how delicious a plant-based diet can be.

I won’t deprive you with punishing diets or have you weighing everything meticulously, but will work with you to find a peaceful way to achieve harmony and balance in your gut and take your health into your own hands. We can also, together find a substitute for that guilty-pleasure addiction of yours. And then Boom!

You could transform from Food Junkie to Wellness Warrior, just like me!

Stefania Olivares is a fully certified Matthew Kenney Raw Food chef, a Living Food Lifestyle educator, an integrative nutrition and transformational life coach and a student of functional medicine and naturopathy.

RAINBOW REBOOT introduces all the colours of the rainbow onto your plate! This 5-day programme includes a daily delivery of a juice, smoothie, salad and soup – plant-based whole food, cooked and raw, DELICIOUS.

Rebooters have reported eczema and allergies disappearing, blood pressure stabilising, acne clearing up and more. Give your body a treat, and boost your immune and your energy!

Book your RAINBOW REBOOT now! You can also book your FREE Discovery call with Stefania to find out about one-on-one coaching and how that can work for you.

WhatsApp: 1-246-820-4690 · E: stefania.bim@gmail.com · W: stefaniaolivares.com (in production) FB: stefania olivares IG: stefania.olivares

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