Barbados Foodie Issue 1 cover

Issue 1 – Winter 2017

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Barbados Foodie Magazine is born from our love and passion for all things food and drink related! We opened Cutters Crane Beach Deli in 2006, as we could not find the right place to hang out and enjoy simply delicious food in a warm setting. After years and years of learning where to go and who to call to get the good stuff by word of mouth and hearsay we thought it is time to share – Foodie Magazine is the resource for where to go to get the good stuff. Barbados has an amazing selection of gourmet and health conscious suppliers available as well as large established suppliers that sell the good stuff wholesale and who will also sell to an individual.

In this launch edition our Food section looks at what is Balsamic Vinegar; has a discussion on the amazing brand of Green Monkey Chocolatier; and in Eat Bajan we learn about the Breadfruit and what to do with it. In our Drink section we visit with Charles Mackenzie from Caribbean Brew House; have a comprehensive and somewhat humorous history of rum told by Richard Seale; and in our Word to the Wise column some tips on avoiding hangovers when drinking wine. Our Shop category visits with Eddie Juman who is taking Continental Foods to new levels; and in Market Vendor we meet Wellington at the Oistins Fish Market.

In Things to do we take a tour of the larger Farmers Markets on island. Lastly in Food for Thought we learn about cane syrup and have a whole meal prepared by Chef Gaby each recipe using Rum Punch – now that’s a challenge. We will bring Barbados Foodie out each December and July available free throughout the island; we hope you enjoy reading this publication as much as we did creating it.